I have been to Tripoli about 6 years ago with an Antonov 12 just stopping for fuel from N'Djamena to Ostend, Belgium. That time I thought this would for sure be my first and last time to Libya.
I was wrong: Last weekend I flew from Hannover, Germany to TIP. What a dirty, yet interessting country. Our ride was a Fokker F-100. We had a marvellous flight over the Alps - which is to my eyes one of the most rewarding scenes you can see from an airplane.
Tripoli is tha capital of Libya, and it has 2 airports. One is Mitiga, which is located almost within citylimits and is used for military flights, the other one is Tripoli International, about 20km to the south of the city. For an aircraft enthusiast like me both airports are interesting: At Mitiga several Iljushins are parked on the ramp, Tripoli International has huge storage areas which contain anything Boeing built 20 to 40 years ago and several smaller aircraft.
But it was not all aviation and hard and nerve-wrecking work: We also did some sight seeing and the most amazing thing was our visit to Leptis Magna - and old roman/greek city to the east of Tripoli.
In addition to these pics, you will find more (as usual) on my flickr.com site - please check the link in the right corner of this page - enjoy!