Sometimes I miss doing the dirty cargo-flights. It sounds strange, but since I am working for an airline, I rarly have any time to hop on a plane and acompany flights. This does not make it easier to reach my goal: having completed 1.000 flights by my 40th birthday. Last thursday though I sold a cargo flight to a customer, departing from our homebase Hannover exactly at the end of my work - so so need to think twice. I ordered our maintanance department to remove the passenger-seats from one of our Piper Cheyennes except for two and after a long time I joined our flight crew on their way from Dortmund to Liverpool - both airports being firsts for myself, at least to visit them by air. Everything went very smooth and we had minimum ground-time on both airports.
An interresting sight was an obviously crashed Cessna 411 at Dortmund which must have been at its last resting-place for many years. We departed Dortmund into the cloudless and star-clear night and only experienced some clouds and rain near our destination Liverpool.
What a great get-away.
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